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Trying to find the best badminton racket in the reviews! - Badonavi

Latest reviews

  • Dried squid (Reviews to )

    It's lighter than the pros and the shaft is normal, so I don't really have any particular impression of it, good or bad. The shot feels dul...

    seaweed (Reviews to AXFORCE90)

    I used 4U with Exbolt 63. I originally liked head-heavy rackets and used the Astrox 100zz. I was stringing it with high tension and it caused a lot...

    TAG (Reviews to ASTROX 88 D PRO)

    I'm using 4UG5. I strung it with Exbolt 68 at 25 pounds. It seems to bounce the ball when you hit it, but when you hit it from above, you can f...

  • Enjoyment (Reviews to )

    I've used more than 10 rackets so far, but this is the racket with the best swing. The shaft is stiff but not too stiff, so there's no prob...

  • ASTROX 00
    3rd year middle school boy, starting middle school (Reviews to ASTROX 00)

    I borrowed it from my advisor, and it seems to be the lightest 8ug5 ever, so it can handle fast smashes instantly. However, the shaft is softer tha...



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