Difference ranking113 shuttles was found.
- ( Number of review:16 )
- All: 8.13
- Endurance: 7.50
- Rotation: 8.19
- Touch: 7.31
- Cost: 8.88
- Difference: 7.38
I tried it because it was cheap, but I was impress...
- ToughFeather( Number of review:3 )
- All: 8.33
- Endurance: 8.33
- Rotation: 8.33
- Touch: 7.67
- Cost: 8.33
- Difference: 7.33
I feel that I felt refreshing without heavy weight...
- SKYCROSS RI( Number of review:6 )
- All: 8.50
- Endurance: 7.83
- Rotation: 8.67
- Touch: 8.33
- Cost: 9.33
- Difference: 7.33
From everyday I am enthusiastic about practice and...
- M-101SP( Number of review:8 )
- All: 8.13
- Endurance: 8.25
- Rotation: 8.38
- Touch: 7.63
- Cost: 7.88
- Difference: 7.25
We use well as cospa is good. The flight is stable...
- SUPER TOURNAMENT 8( Number of review:5 )
- All: 7.00
- Endurance: 7.20
- Rotation: 6.40
- Touch: 7.20
- Cost: 8.20
- Difference: 7.20
It is a shuttle suitable for basic practice. I thi...
- STANDARD (A-win)( Number of review:5 )
- All: 7.80
- Endurance: 6.20
- Rotation: 9.20
- Touch: 8.60
- Cost: 8.60
- Difference: 7.20
The best advantage is to fly securely and surely. ...
- Ignio feather shuttle( Number of review:5 )
Leisure shuttle
- All: 8.00
- Endurance: 6.80
- Rotation: 7.20
- Touch: 8.00
- Cost: 8.80
- Difference: 6.80
Previously, I spent three years at junior high sch...
- Feather Barrett 1( Number of review:3 )
- All: 8.00
- Endurance: 8.67
- Rotation: 7.33
- Touch: 8.67
- Cost: 7.33
- Difference: 6.67
It is highly durable and is ideal for practice. Th...
- NEO FEATHER AMETHYST( Number of review:3 )
- All: 6.67
- Endurance: 6.00
- Rotation: 8.00
- Touch: 7.33
- Cost: 8.00
- Difference: 6.67
Gosen Neo Feather Amethyst is a shuttle that you m...
- SUPER TOURNAMENT TRAINING( Number of review:2 )
- All: 6.50
- Endurance: 6.50
- Rotation: 7.50
- Touch: 6.50
- Cost: 6.50
- Difference: 6.50
I was asked by my acquaintance when I practiced th...